Saturday, August 3, 2013

Character Interview: Lila Felix's Nixon Black from "Caught in a Jam"

Title: Caught in a Jam
Author:  Lila Felix
"I’ve loved her since we were kids. But loving someone gets tough when they don’t love you back."
Nixon Black has made mistakes. He made one mistake that would change his life forever. Now he’s working and in school—and he's up to his eyeballs in responsibility--in the
 form of
 a three year old, red-headed genius. He gave up dating when Scout was born, but every night he retreats to another
 life in his mind, one he could’ve had with her.
Journey spent her formative years on the arm of any boy that didn’t expect anything out of
her. She was hiding from the one person who did expect something in return—Nixon. Years after being cheated on and dumped for the last time, she takes a job at a daycare center where there’s a genius of a ginger haired girl whose last name is Black.
But the roles have been reversed and Journey is no longer Nixon’s first priority. Can he
make room for the new Journey? And when he does, will he be able to forgive the old one?

Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble

Ladies THIS is Nixon Black *sigh*
( Caue Amaral)

I asked my sweet friend Lila Felix if I could please interview her Nixon Black because after reading "Caught in a Jam" I fell in love with him! I hope after my interview,  you do as well!

To avoid confusion, all of my questions, answers & comments will be in pink and all of Nixon's answers will be in blue! Enjoy!!!

Just in case you forgot what Nixon looked like!!

I thought it might be fun to have a interview/ play date with Nixon Black & his daughter Scout from Lila Felix's amazing book "Caught in a Jam" (From the Skate Series). Our daughters are fairly close in age so it should be a good match. I'm sitting on a bench in the shade while my daughter runs excitedly around me asking if Scout will be here soon. I'm just about to tell her (again) any minute now when I see an equally excited Scout bouncing across the lawn followed closely by her very handsome father Nixon.
The girls crash into each other & fall into a fit of giggles. After I introduce the girls, Nixon reminds them to stay where we can see them & they run off holding hands. I turn to Nixon & hand him his favorite coffee with what I think is waaaaay too much sugar & creamer. We sit down on the bench & I get out my recorder & take a sip of my Cherry Coke Zero.

Hey Nixon! I really appreciate you taking time out of your extremely busy schedule to meet with me this morning! Now that you have your caffeine fix shall we begin?
Hi Kelly. Yeah, I’m good now. Thanks. I'm so happy to hear that Love!

I love the fact that you & Journey have known each other for a very long time. Tell me how y'all met & a brief summary of y'all's history.

Journey had been in private school up until freshman year of high school.  So, on the first day of school, I walked into the cafeteria and there she was.  This was when she still had red hair and she was like a lighthouse, calling me to the center of the room.  I approached her and found out she wasn’t at all familiar with the cafeteria thing since at her other school, the lunches were brought to the classrooms.  So I showed her the ropes and paid for her lunch.  That was the first day I ever saw her blush. *sigh* Oh that's SO incredibly sweet!!


Because of your sweet & giving nature Journey tented to use you as a safe haven after many broken hearts. How do you think that affected y'all's friendship?
Well, there was an established trust on my end.  She already trusted me. I was the one who had to learn to trust back. I'm glad she had you!

Your party days are long over, but one of those nights  changed your life forever, I'd like to think for the best! Tell me what was going through your head the day you left the hospital with your beautiful baby girl.

I was a freakin train wreck. I was like some Secret Service guy on high alert all the time and my code word was Scout. *giggle* Aunt Sylvia had to take me down a few notches after I practically bit her head off, thinking she didn’t strap Scout’s car seat in right. I was effing ridiculous. Oh that first try with the car seat is enough to drive anyone crazy!!

Scout has obviously changed your life for the better, describe how she's changed you as a person?
Scout took me from a category five hurricane to a calm wind. She changed me before I even saw her face or knew her name.  It was meant to be.  She was meant to be mine and I was meant to be hers.*sigh* That's so touching!

*looking around I find our girls happily playing in the sandbox. Smiling I look back & Nixon, clear my throat & ask my next question* So your amazing family enjoys taking Scout on the weekends to give you a bit of a break. What were your pre- Journey activities when you had time to yourself?
Working, studying, sleeping, derby, coffee, rinse and repeat.
 *giggles* Yep! Been there! 

Now that you have Journey, you're life seems complete. How is she adjusting to the incredible Black family?
Journey has found her niche.  Aunt Syl is teaching her to cook some things.  She and Storey are practically attached at the hip.  Scout has five mothers.  But I’d never complain.  How many people wish they had that kind of family life?  Tons. *raises hand* um yeah! I just love your family, they're so loving!!!

I know entering a marriage with a child can make date nights a bit more tricky than it would be if  it were just y'all. Have you & Journey been able to spend any time just the two of you? *clears throat & blushes* what do y'all  in your alone time? *whispers & blushes again* I'm not trying to get too personal if you know what I mean!
Wow, um, yeah, we get our date nights. I love to romance the hell out of my girl. *sigh* And I’m ignoring the second part of your question.  Sorry, Kelly.  Didn’t you get enough from the book?  I know Lila’s always writing about my mad make-out skills. *blushes* NO! NO! NO!!! I was trying to tell you that's NOT what I was asking *blushes again*

*Giggles* Your entire family is obsessed with roller derby!  I have to admit, after reading y'all's books & talking to Lila I'M interested in derby! Has Journey shown any interest in the family hobby yet?
Um, no.  She probably would, she’s really game for anything.  But with her leg the way it is, she has times where she has a lot of pain and aches.  And if she hurt herself, it would probably be disastrous for her already damaged leg.  I could just kill Simon for hurting my girl. I know that was awful, but he got his!

*Both girls run over to our bench sweaty & with flushed checked . Scout announces that they are hungry & it's time to eat. I look at my phone & see it is indeed lunch time.
 Wiping the girls' hands & handing them each a juice box, I turn back to Nixon* One last question before our girls have a melt down? *I make sure Scout is preoccupied & not listening. the girls have found a caterpillar & Scout is rapidly listing all the caterpillar facts she knows. Giggling & turning back to Nixon, I whisper* How's the "wabbit" situation going?
Freakin’ three!! We were supposed to get one damned rabbit and what do we have?  THREE!  But then she told us it was three like our family of three and really, how can you say no to that? Oh *giggles & still smiling* I can see Scout's point on that one tho!

Nixon I think our time is up! Thanks again for meeting with me! Please tell Journey I said hello & y'all have a wonderful day! *I shake Nixon's hand as the girls hug goodbye. We watch Nixon & Scout walk off in the opposite direction as I listen to my daughter tell me all about the caterpillar they found & she named Fluffy.*
Ok so what did y'all think of Nixon Black? Pretty perfect isn't he? Come get to know him in Lila's romantic book "Caught in a Jam"
*giggle* sorry Nix but I HAD to post this one!!
This is the adorable Scout Black!!
Katya Efermova
Can't forget Journey Holt
My Favorite Quotes: 
Most people lived under the assumption that sex made a boy become a man, but when I walked with her tiny hand in mine, I was a better man.

There was only one presence who would ever be able to fill the space beside me and be the calm to the tempest in my soul.

The door opened and I was suddenly the audience to a modern Norman Rockwell-esque picture of marriage and family.

“Don’t leave me hanging like this Journey. After all this time, you owe me.”

“Journey, I’ve waited so freakin’ long for you to come back. You have no idea.”

"I hope you’re all in because I think I need you more right
now more than I’ve ever needed anything in my life.”

"I have to kiss you just once. I’ve needed your mouth on
mine for almost my whole life. Please...”

We know you’re in a better place. Sometimes people need
to grow up a little before they’re ready to handle that kind
of love.”

"But I love you, not your past or
the mistakes you’ve made. Just like I hope you love me,
not my mistakes. "

"If I told him what I wanted right then, the elevator
would’ve exploded, or at least caught fire."

“I’d put aside my love for you so long that when you
showed up, it buried me.

“I don’t ever want to be separated from you again.
Don’t you know by now that I’m in love with you? Don’t you
know that I want you with me always?”

"When I see you make honorable decisions, when I see how you love without end. That’s how I know I’ve done a decent job."
~Aunt Sylvia

When you’re hurt, I take care of you. When you need me, I’m there. When you’re sad, my shoulder is yours. You and Scout are my Sun. I will revolve around my girls, always.”

"When I had come undone, she pulled me back together—like a button."
All of the following can be found at the above links!
Skate Series

Love & Skate:
On the rink she’s tough, she’s a leader, she’s fast and she’s the epitome of a rebellious girl. But Nellie’s been hurt, only once, but it was enough to make her look at life through different eyes and off the rink she’s a timid girl who loves with no pretenses.
A long time ago Owen Black was betrayed by the girl he thought he loved and the guy he called his best friend. The anguish set off a domino effect of negativity in his life and he never has fully recovered. He meets Nellie Forrester and thinks he can let it go for her.
But how can you love someone when the wounds from your past are still wide open?

How It Rolls:
Despite the odds, Reed Wolfe is making it, by the skin of her teeth. Her dreams and aspirations will have to wait until she can get on her feet. Because right now she’s homeless and churning on a downward spiral.

Falcon Black is existing. Not living, not thriving, just jutting along a path. But when he finds Reed, he can’t resist the urge to help her, lighten her load. But Falcon tends to go overboard, over the line, crossing boundaries he never thought he would and risking her trust in the process.

Can she accept his love or will it end up smothering her?

Down 'N' Derby: 
 Maddox is running.
By accident, he discovered long ago that he was adopted as a baby and his need to find his biological father has consumed him ever since. Now, on a road trip, determined to find his father and his sanity, and armed with locations and his cousin, Nixon, to help him, maybe he can find the answers he’s been searching for. With nothing but a suitcase and a wad of cash to get him there, lead after lead takes him further from home.
But he’ll find much more than he intended.
He finds Storey, a pint sized pin-up model who has learned painful lessons about guys. Her wounds run deep, but so do his. She knows what she wants, but will she recognize it when it’s right in front of her?
Maddox can’t touch anyone without feeling like his skin is crawling, but just maybe his instinct to protect this amazing girl will supersede his own hang-ups.
If he can brush her skin and start to feel alive inside...everything will change
 She's spent a long time in a bubble. In an odd turn of events, Corinne is taken out of boarding school and plunged into high school where bullies reign and nice guys come in last.

But this is after she's already fallen in love with Abel over the summer.

Abel is trapped, with friends he secretly hates, but has chosen to stay with the status quo. It's just high school, right?

What do you do when the person you love sees the very worst part of you? And how do you help them when they discover their life is a hoax?
Remi Harris has a plan. Graduate high school, go to college, become a history teacher, be self-sufficient unlike her mother who is a struggling single mom. And the word ‘boy’ has no place in her plan.
Cooper Neal has been sent to his estranged father’s house to spend his Senior year getting to know him. And maybe, just maybe, there will be some cute girls in the small town.

Cooper sees Remi and he falls hard. Remi sees Cooper and wonders if she can do both. The question is; will he ruin her plans, or will she let him be a part of them?
Jenna has spent too long being complacent and accepting. Her mother and step-father constantly belittle and berate her for simply being alive. She passes through life keeping everyone and everything at arm’s length because it’s just not worth the questions or the pity party. She takes what they dish out and just tries to survive.
She has thought up a million different ways to get away from them, but lacked the motivation and the sheer will. Like a fast moving tornado, her motivation comes in the form of a boy who cares for her as none other has and who shows her a glimpse of hope, a glimpse into a life she never thought she could have.
But is her new motivation enough to get her out....

Seeking Havok

Striking (writing with Rachel Higginson)
*sigh* love this quote!!

About My Girl Lila:

Lila Felix lives in the swamps of Louisiana with her husband and three boisterous children. She loves coffee, anything cinnamon and loves to cook. She is a big roller derby fan. When she's not writing, she's watching 80's movies, reading, and collecting duct tape.

Where to Stalk Lila:

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